The next time He gives you a victory, stay grounded in the truth of His Word and avoid entertaining any prideful thoughts. Adonai deserves all the glory.
Hosted by Rabbi Rick Gozhanskij. For more information
visit the Powered by HaDavar home page by
clicking on the show title above.
Have you ever been out in public and noticed that someone was watching you? The next time you face threatening circumstances, trust Adonai. He will protect you and deliver you from your enemies.
Hosted by Rabbi Rick Gozhanskij. For more information visit the Powered by HaDavar home page by clicking on the show title above.
Then came Chanukkah in Jerusalem. It was winter, and Yeshua was walking around inside the Temple area, in Shlomo's Colonnade. On the Hebrew calendar this is the time of Chanukkah (the Feast of Dedication).
Hosted by Rabbi Rick Gozhanskij. For more information visit the Powered by HaDavar home page by clicking on the show title above.