Horizon Podcast
Weekly Bible-based message from Horizon Christian Fellowship in beautiful Fairbanks Ranch, CA
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The GodCast® Network

Thursday, February 22, 2007

His Pursuit (Ecclesiastes 1-3). Pastor Josh Grant.

For more information on Horizon Christian Fellowship click on the show title above.

| | Posted at 7:52:03 PM | Entry #5086 |  

24: Authority (Luke 4). Pastor Bob Botsford.

For more information on Horizon Christian Fellowship click on the show title above.

| | Posted at 7:49:53 PM | Entry #5084 |  

Monday, February 5, 2007

24: Tests (Luke 4). Pastor Bob Botsford.

For more information on Horizon Christian Fellowship click on the show title above.

| | Posted at 10:07:17 PM | Entry #5037 |  

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Last update: 2/22/07; 7:53:39 PM.