The GodCast® Network A free global podcast network featuring Christian and other family-friendly audio content in MP3 format. [Listeners in over 150 countries.]
This is a podcast site, home of free MP3 audio shows that you can listen to now on your computer by clicking on the MP3 icons below. Or, using podcasting client software such as Apple's iTunes, you can subscribe to our shows and have them downloaded automatically to your computer and optionally to your portable MP3 player whenever new shows become available.
Start by exploring the shows from The GodCast Network on this page or explore other shows using the links on the left. When you find a show you want to subscribe to you have two choices. If you're using iTunes, simply click on the iTunes 1Click button on the upper left of the page to take you to the appropriate subscription page in iTunes and then click on the Subscribe button. If you're using another podcasting client, right-click (Control-click on the Mac with a one-button mouse) on the RSS Podcast button in the upper left and select "Copy Link" from the popup menu. Add a new podcast subscription in your client software and paste the link into the RSS field.
If you have questions feel free to use the email link on the left to contact a show host or TGN founder Craig Patchett. Thanks for visiting and God bless you!
If you like what we're doing here, vote for The GodCast Network using the blue box on the right! Your vote really makes a difference in getting the word out about our shows, and is all we ask in exchange for the time we invest in creating them. You can vote once each month. Thanks!
If you're visiting as a result of reading the article, welcome! (You're welcome no matter why you're here, of course.) Feel free to browse around and know that you can listen to any our our content on your computer by clicking on an MP3 icon wherever one appears. (You don't need an iPod or any special software just to listen.) Be forewarned that if you're a dialup user you should probably limit yourself to the MP3 files on the The Living Word show...most of the others are fairly large.
I'd also like to welcome ICM Raw to the Network. ICM Raw (the ICM stands for "Independent Christian Music") comes to us out of Boston and is hosted by Rick Wezowicz. Rick publishes a short daily news podcast and a weekly music podcast. If you're into contemporary Christian music be sure to tune in and give ICM Raw a listen. If you've never heard contemporary Christian music (or think that it's an oxymoron) tune in might be surprised!
I'd like to welcome Lifespring! to the GodCast Network. Lifespring! is a relatively new podcast put out by Calvary Temple in Riverside, CA and is hosted by Steve Webb. It's a vibrant mix of music, conversation, news, and whatever else Steve can think of. Professionally produced, it's a great weekly podcast and I think you'll really enjoy it.
A huge thanks to Adam Curry for playing the 12/6 edition of The Living Word in today's Daily Source Code. (If you missed it, click on the MP3 icon to the above right for an excerpt.) For those of you visiting as a result of that show, Rachel is my 8-year-old daughter and decided to record the podcast that day for fun after I showed her how it was done. She's a natural...although she read off a prepared script she nailed it on her second take! Although it's usually my voice you'll hear, Rachel has asked
to do some more podcasts in the future, as has her 12-year-old brother. will host additional podcasts in the months to come, some Christian and some just family-friendly. At the moment the podcast RSS feed for the home page carries all the podcasts while the feed for the individual show pages carry just the podcasts for that show. I will be adding an Announcements channel shortly that you can subscribe to in order to be informed about new shows as they are added.
Thanks for visiting. Whether you decide to subscribe or not I appreciate your interest and your time. God bless you!
Craig Patchett
Note: If you tried to listen to the MP3 link on 12/7 the file was has been fixed. My apologies for any inconvenience.